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The Husserl Page
Update: 23 Feb 2017
Aim:  To provide easy access to those net resources pertaining to the life and work of the 20th century philosopher, Edmund Husserl.
  Life and Work:   Links:

The aim of The Husserl Page, which in reality consists of many distinct pages, is twofold. First, this site provides a series of originally created bibliographic and informational pages relevant for research into Husserl's philosophy and its development.  Second, this site seeks to supply an exhaustive and up-to-date listing of externally produced Internet sites relevant for research into the life and philosophy of Edmund Husserl.  To get a sense of the structure of this site and its contents, please consult the site map. This page catalogs all the web pages internal to this site and indicates their placement in the overal structure. 
    Since nowhere in these pages will you find a synopsis, summary, or other such treatise on Husserl's phenomenology, you may wish to jump to the chronological bibliography of Husserl's writings and search for the various "introductions" to phenomenology by Husserl, himself. If you are looking for such a text, Husserl's article on phenomenology which he wrote for the Encyclopaedia Britannica stands as one of the best of his introductions. I recommend particularly looking into volume 6 of the Husserliana Collected Works series, Psychological and Transcendental Phenomenology and the Confrontation with Heidegger. ("Draft D," in particular, is a good place to begin.) The article was finished in late 1927 and published (in a heavily edited and distorted version) in the 14th ed. of The Encyclopaedia Britannica. Husserl intended two goals with the publication of this essay. First, he meant to provide a brief and readable introduction to the philosophy he founded. Second, he meant the article to be a joint expression of the basic character of phenomenology by himself and Martin Heidegger. The collaboration failed, however, and Heidegger's contributions were not ultimately incorporated into the article submitted for publication. Hence, Husserl's article (and the collaborating documents in the Husserliana volume mentioned) can serve both as an introduction to Husserlian phenomenology and as a platform by which to examine differences between the Husserlian and Heideggerian philosophies.


Conference: Husserl in a New Generation[new]
Edmund Husserl (1859-1938), the founder of phenomenology, was one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, one whose influence can be seen in almost every area of philosophical research. In his early work, most notably Logical Investigations, Husserl draws on his background in mathematics and psychology to address questions concerning meaning, truth, and cognition.  His later “transcendental” phenomenology is a far-ranging investigation into the fundamental structures of conscious experience and their relevance to topics such as time-consciousness, intersubjectivity, and the nature of scientific inquiry.  Among his later works, Ideas, Cartesian Meditations, and The Crisis of the European Sciences have been particularly widely read and translated.  In recent decades, central aspects of Husserlian phenomenology have played an important role in the evolution of fields as diverse as sociology, education, cognitive science, and architecture. The aim of this conference is to revisit Husserl’s important contributions, highlighting their relevance to the questions that philosophy faces today.
Organizers: Dr. Deborah Barnbaum, dbarnbau@kent.edu, Dr. Gina Zavota, gzavota@kent.edu
Translation: Forward to Part I of the First Volume of the Jarhbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung
The Open Commons of Phenomenology
While tecnically not new, the Open Commons (OPHEN) continues to insert new content in their repository. Consequently, its placement in Announcements here is merited. If you have any interest in the full score of phenomenological research, especially early phenomenology, this site is an excellent resource.
Phenomenological Reviews
  A most exciting new online journal coming out of the  Open Commons of Phenomenology. Phenomenological Reviews is an open access, multilingual journal that provides a critical overview of recent literature in phenomenology. It is edited by Iulian Apostolescu (University of Bucharest) and Prof. Anthony Steinbock (Southern Illinois University).
Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung
  Now available on the Open Commons of Phenomenology: all 12 volumes of the Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung. A couple articles are locked due to copyright restrictions, but the majority are available for download in PDF format. Special thanks to Rodney Parker and NASEP!
The Husserl Archives in Leuven has created three important new sites of interest to all scholars and aficionados of Husserl's work:
· Husserl Archives Leuven Blog
The Archives is pleased to announce the launch of its official blog on the platform of the Open Commons of Phenomenology! The blog will give you insights into the Archives’ activities, keep you informed of events and conferences, as well present interesting archival and research materials.
· Edmund Husserl Facebook Group 
The Edmund Husserl Facebook Circle is a discussion group devoted to the study, presentation, criticism, and development of Husserl's phenomenology. The moderators of the group invite anyone interested in phenomenology to contact them. However, please send only proposals related to phenomenology!
· YouTube: Husserl Archives
Videos of lectures and talks held at the Archive. An excellent resource.
Newsletter of Phenomenology
  The best resource for up-to-date information regarding the important events and new publications in the field of phenomenology. Most announcements from the newsletter are not repeated here. To subscribe to the list, send an email to: newsletter_of_phenomenology-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. Contact the newsletter moderator directly at: cristian.ciocan@phenomenology.ro.

Contact Bob Sandmeyer at bob.sandmeyer@husserlpage.com with questions or comments about this page.

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